Monday, July 14, 2008


So, this is still Thursday, July 3rd and we have been at my dad's for a while now doing nothing because we were really drained from the drive/trip.

All the while my dad is at church, we decide we are hungry and are in the mood for sandwiches, of all things, so we head out to the local H-E-B, where practically everybody in high school works part time and some unfortunately even 9 years after graduating are still there - nothing against grocery store people, but that's just basically the mindset in Donna and the main reason why I left as fast as I could and like the story in the Bible (not being disrespectful by any means) Sodom & Gomora, I'm not turning back fearing I could become stuck.

We gather our stuff and head back home down the same old road that drives you through the cementary (where my dear mother is buried) and get to the house to make our sandwiches and kill our hunger.

By this time, my dad has already gotten home and joins us for some sandwiches. We are sitting there having a good conversation when out of nowhere Ruth gets up and heads for the restroom and shuts the door behind her.

Nothing is thought of it until seconds later we hear what appears to be coughing/choking sounds coming from the restroom. Liz proceeds on getting up, with this horrified look already overcoming her face, and opens the door.

Ruth is slouched over the sink attempting to cough and spit up this not so nice chip that has become unwelcomly lodged in her throat. She seems to be okay after a while then goes back to acting strange again, at which point I ask if she needs us to call an ambulance and she says yes.

Considering I know my dad's house has no reception, you literally have to walk out and practically go across the street to the canal that runs in front of the house to get signs of life, I decide I'm NOT going to use my cell phone to call 911. I tell my dad's wife if she can hand over the house one, since she is on it with one of her daughters, so that I can make the phone call. You would think she'd just be like, I've gotta go and hang up - but no, she goes on telling her daughter how she has to hand up because I'm wanting to use the phone to call an ambulance, blah, blah, blah, - all the while, I'm thinking lady, come on, this is an emergency.

Well after the fact, her taking so long to give me the phone really didn't make much of a difference. I finally get the phone and dial 9-1-1. Keep something in mind as I write the following: Donna has a population of maybe but no more than 20,000 which is pretty small, they do have a police department, most of which consists of corrupt relatives or friends, and a volunteer fire department, last time I checked they had one.

The phone gets answered, "911, what is the location of your emergency?" I said 1910 Champion St. Next question, what city? I was like are you serious, but answered Donna, TX (said TX because it's just usual for me to name city and state together - although after what happened, it wouldn't surprise me that someone in China or India was answering the call). Next question, and no it wasn't, "what is your emergency", it was, "inside or outside city limits?"

I was like inside! No more questions, she just said, "please hold." Then after a brief moment of silence, I get another person, "911 what is the location of your emergency?" I won't drag this out but she asked the same series of questions and I answered in the same fashion and guess what? I got transferred once again to be put through the same questionnaire.

I am not kidding but by the 5th, yes FIFTH time I was transferred, I was not a happy camper, and when the lady answered the phone, before she even asked the location of my emergency which by now, even a useless person could have located on Google maps, would have found us, I said, "Are you going to get me am ambulance or what? This is the 5th time I've been transferred....I didn't even wait for her to ask for the location of my emergency, I just gave it to her and told her it was inside the city limits and the reason for the ambulance being requested was because we had a possible choking victim.

You will not belive after all that she asked me to calm down (how dare she) and still had one TINY request to make - if I could please turn on the hazards to the nearest vehicle close to the street so that the emergency personnel wouldn't MISS the location of the emergency.


The ambulance finally showed up, checked Ruth out and told her she was going to be okay and NOT going to die like she so willingly wanted to do and was insisting was going to occur!

After Tropical Storm Ruth passed, everything went back to "normal, " or what we will call, although it was nothing short of unreal, for our stay while in Donna, and we headed to bed - tired of the first days drama.

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