Thursday, July 7, 2011

Life is so busy.....

sometimes I just don't know how I manage to keep up with it. Here lately it seems I have had so much going on with school, work and life in general. At the current moment, I am stressing out because though I thought I had finished with a killer Summer I class (Anthropology), it seems that my last and most important assignment worth 20% of my grade was not received by my professor. I am worried that I will be docked for this and get a zero and have no chance at getting an "A" like I worked hard for all month long. I guess I will have to wait and see.

On another note, last Thursday, a week ago today, Frank & I went to go see one of our favorite groups, MANA at the American Airlines Center. The concert was fantastic. I had a really good time and enjoyed the music like no other.

Also for Frank's 30th birthday, a couple of weeks ago, I managed to pull off succesfully a surprise dinner for him. I must say all the planning and hard work paid off - he was truly surprised when he showed up at Liz's house like he normally does on Wednesday evenings expecting to spend no more than 5 minutes getting Sydney and going back home. Can you believe we didn't leave that night until 1:30? :)

I am seriously going to try and be better at this posting stuff on my blog. I find that like cleaning, it helps relax my nerves. Until soon.

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