Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick o Treat.....Halloween 2009!

We decided to take the kids out trick o treating to a neighborhood close to the house. It is really nice and the houses almost look like mansions so we figured they'd be giving out great candy.

The bad economy apparently has even hit the owner's of these houses as not very many were out greeting trick o treaters but the ones that did participate where fun - the kids definitely had a good time. Here are some of the pictures I took of our fun-filled night.

This was our jack-o-lantern for Halloween. Frank went online and got this idea...turned out pretty cool.

Daddy and Sydney the pirate!!! Arrrgghhh!

Me & my beautiful angel!!!

Sydney going towards the door of the Sra. Adriana's house...they too, came along trick o treating.

Sydney all prepared.


Adrian, Andrea & Sydney all ready to go!

Dathan & Tyler as killer surgeons!

The trick-o-treaters...if you will see, Adrian was not having any part of this picture...he was mortified of Dathan & Tyler's costumes.

First house they hit up for candy.

Sydney looked happy. Could she have gotten something in her basket she liked?

This decoration was outside one of the houses.

These trick-o-treaters sure did have a lot of energy.

Another house with great decorations...had to snap a picture and take a brief break.

I really liked these decorations.

Last picture for the night.

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