Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CrossFit - Introductory Foundation Class: Day 1

Today, I officially began my new adventure towards my goal of a healthier lifestyle. I am looking forward to once and for all attain the goals I have wanted for myself for so long. Class was very interesting and required some workout on our part - I know that real quick, there will be no time to stop...as Mr. Selders put it, "There is no resting time until you are done," so I expect to put out 110% everytime I show up for class.

Here are some of the things I learned in no significant order:

CrossFit is a performance based program and not a weight loss program.

MWOD = Mobility Workout Of the Day (everyday when we show up to class, we will look to see what is on the "menu" for the day and set out and do it. Routines can range from running, to jumping rope, etc.)

DROM = Dynamic Range in Motion

Nutrition is important because it helps improve performance.

Homework for the day = Read our Foundations Program Manual For New Athletes & Whole9's Nutrition Guide (created for CrossFit Garland) - prepare questions as I read my manual and bring them to the last Introductory Foundation Class (Thursday, September 8th)

Air Squat (Performance Points)

(1) Body weight should be distributed through the heels (back 2/3 of feet)
(2) At the bottom of a squat, the creece of the hip should be below the
knee (The reason for this is because you are trying to activate more
muscle fibers and it also helps the mobility of the knee joints)
(3) At the bottom of a squat, maintain lumbar arch torso
(4) Knees are in line with toes

**Important - Always make sure to finish a squat with the hips open**

Front Squat (builds on air squat)

**Same four points**
(1) Have bar on "rack" or bar position
(2) Place the bar close to the throat or "inside the pocket."

*Tidbit* Used 15lb ball & bar for routines.

To Do List:

After each workout, make sure to place equipment back in its place.

Monday, August 29, 2011

CrossFit - Week 1!!!

I begin my Introductory Foundation classes tomorrow at noon and because I want to keep myself 100% committed to this, I figured the only way was to keep a log of my progress, and hopefully not my regress on my stats/figures.

I took my measurements this morning before I headed to work and well since I did them on my own, I can't say they are 100% accurate, but here they are anyways:

(R) 23 inches
(L) 23 inches

Mid Section (measured from belly button):
38 1/2 inches

36 inches

(R) 12 inches
(L) 12 inches.

I also weighed myself and sadly, the scale is reading between 145 & 150. I had intended to go to the City Care Clinic and go use their old fashioned stick scale, since I think that is the most accurate, but I wasn't able to stop by so I think I am going to stick with the one I have at home.

I also need to add that I took some pictures (front & side) of myself, as best I could - but for the time being will refrain from posting them. Hopefully after I am done, I will be proud of my before & after and will proudly exhibit my hard earned results. As for right now, I will spare everyone the horrid sight.


I got my numbers from Mr. Selders for the day I had my evaluation (8-25-11) and here they are:

Weight: 149.5
Body Fat: 31.1
Fat Mass: 46.5
Lean Mass: 103

Let's see if hopefully they get much better in a couple more weeks.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


The City of Garland has rolled out a series of wellness programs designed to get employees to develop a healthier lifestyle.

One of the more newer programs is called CrossFit. According to the website, , CrossFit is a strenght and conditioning system built on constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity.

The city opened up the opportunity for its next class of participants and I went ahead and applied. I was told that there were a total of 36 applicants and only 19 would be selected to do this 12-week course.

On Tuesday, I received my email letting me know I have been selected. Yay for me!!!

There are three steps to the CrossFit program:

1st) Individual evaluation with CrossFit instructor

2nd) Four introductory foundation classes

3rd) CrossFit classes.

Today, I will be going for my individual evaluation after work at 5:15. I must admit I am a bit nervous but as I told the interviewers, I am ready to get in the best shape of my life so that I can increase my running goal.

With that said, since I was accepted into the program, I went through with my self-imposed challenge and signed up for the Four Seasons Half Marathon Challenge...will explain later.

For now, I will get back and post in a couple of hours how my evaluation went - hopefully he doesn't kill me. :)


I had my evaluation appointment scheduled for 5:15 which should have given me plenty of time to do my approximate 30 minute evaluation and head to Oakhill to pick up Sydney.

Unfortunately, the appointment before mine went over and I didn't start my evaluation until 5:40. Mr. Selders initially took my body measurements (chest, waist, arm & thigh), then made me stand on this machine that printed out a receipt that he said tells him my composition of body fat from lean fat and a number of other things. I also had my blood pressure taken.

He then had me do a series of squats, situps, pushups, pull-ups, and other floor exercises. I struggled with some of the floor exercises but what awaited me next was nothing compared to the "set" he was going to have me do.

Because of the time crunch I was in (it was now 6:10) and I had to get Sydney by 6:30, he gave me the "short" version of the workout set he wanted me to do. Here is what he made me do and timed me for it:

* 200 meter run
* 30 squats
* 30 sit-ups
* 20 push-ups
* 10 pull-ups.

Even though I was using a resistance band on the pull-ups, with the other stuff I had already done, I was able to do 8 and then about died. I had to catch my breath twice to finish the last two.

I don't know how, but I managed to pull myself up for the last two pull-ups. I think part of me did it because I had to rush out of there to get Sydney...by now it was 6:20 and it takes me about 15 minutes from where I was to the daycare.

I am so excited to start this new program. I plan on taking pictures and taking my own measurements to track my progress. I don't know if I will be bold enough to post pictures on here until hopefully later when I have a killer body, right!!!! Until then, I will keep a log (hopefully) on here to track my progress through this program.

My Sydney Poo is a 4th Grader!!!!

This past Monday (22nd) when I was getting Sydney dressed for school, it hit me that my little "dona pujos," Sydney poo, minnie-me, piojito, enana, and so many more names Frank and I use to refer to Sydney is no longer a baby, is almost out of the little girl stage and has started to develop some minor features of a young lady.

Sydney had been ready for the past week or so to go back to school. I think a combination of shopping for some clothes and getting her school supplies together, got her all excited. When Monday morning rolled around, she was all ready to jump into her new outfit and sport her new Dora back-pack she choose for this new year.

I took her to school with all of her supplies in tow and walked inside with her for a couple of minutes. Being that this is her 3rd year at Luna with Mrs. Padden, she wasn't too reluctant to stay...I can tell she feels at home at Luna and knows her way around.

I left 5 minutes before 8 o'clock as Mrs. Regalado informed me that this week Mrs. Padden's class would be saying the Pledge of Allegiance so they had to go up front to the office for the morning announcements.

Here is to a great 4th grade for my little princess.

We love you mammas!!!!

I think I have taken this same shot in the exact same place for the last 3 years. :)

All ready to go!!!

With Ms. Regalado (TA).

My little girl is growing up!!!

Sydney with one of her classmates, Lauren - she managed to spill chocolate milk on her shirt.

Her colorful Dora backpack for the school year.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Marco Antonio Solis & Ana Gabriel - Haciendo Historia (Sunday, August 21, 2011)

Frank & I went out to the Verizon Theatre on Sunday to go and watch these two awesome performers. I had seen Marco Antonio Solis two years ago almost to the date with Pepe Aguilar at the American Airlines Center and I missed him last year when he came back with Alejandro Fernandez & Joan Sebastian, so a couple of months ago when I saw he was returning and this time with Ana Gabriel I told myself I had to go. Well, the date was quickly approaching and contrary to what my plans were initially, I had still not bought my tickets. I mentioned to Frank if he wanted to go and he said yes, so I went ahead and bought the tickets, literally like the Friday before the concert.

Then Sunday rolled around. Frank had to work that day and he thought he was going to get out at 5 which would be cutting it real close to the start of the concert, by the time he got home and dressed, luckily he got out at 2:00 and was home by 2:30. Then he mentioned about the fact that since both of us were going to the concert that would mean that Sydney would be picked up around 11 or so and being that the next day was her first day of school, he did not want to have to wake her up and disturb her sleep because of the concert. He asked me to check and see if Liz or Ruth was interesting in going with me.

Of all the days that I thought I would not have a problem finding someone to go with me to this one concert, it seems like it was just the perfect wrong day. I called Liz and with her boyfriend, Edmond, recently having shoulder surgery, she had to pass. Then I called Ruth and with her new part-time job, she was not able to get released early so she passed. I told Frank that no one was able to go so he decided he would go after all.

We left the house close to 6 o'clock and I was already stressing we would not make it on time as the concert was set to start at 7:00 p.m., and the drive is about 45 minutes and on top of that there was a Cowboys game at 8:00 and the drive to the stadium is on the same route as the Verizon Theatre. Luckily, we ran into zero traffic and got there with 15 minutes to spare.

On top of that, the usher we asked for directions to our seats told us we could sit on a section closer than ours because the tickets had not been sold at that particular section. Though the seats were still on the upper level of the auditorium, we didn't pay the $100 that they were going for on Ticketmaster...kuddos for that.

As far as the concert was concerned, I think I can speak for Frank and myself and say we had an AWESOME time. Both Ana Gabriel and Marco Antonio Solis have such great songs, there is no way someone cannot have a good time.

I cannot remember the last time that Ana Gabriel was on tour and she is just one of those artists that doesn't do tours much, so I was glad that although it was at the last minute, that I did get a chance to see her perform in person. As for Marco Antonio Solis, I hope I have the opportunity to see him many more time - his music is truly good.

Here are a few pictures of the night.

Like I have made it my tradition, I had to snap a picture of my ticket. :)

Waiting for the show to start.

The first song to start off the show both Ana Gabriel and Marco Antonio Solis came out to perform.

Ana Gabriel!!!

I thought this was a nice picture of her.

Another duet with Marco Antonio Solis during her part of the show. How romantic - she did thank his wife (who was in the audience, front row of course) for allowing her to kiss her husband on the lips. :)

The crowd errupted in cheers when she began to sing this song - "Luna."

Ana Gabriel finished with her part of the show and now it was time for Marco Antonio Solis.

For as long as he has been in the business, he has always maintained the same style, literally down to the hair, that has identified him way back to the days he was with Los Bukis.

Morenita - one of my all-time favorite songs.

Marco Antonio Solis is very talented, he can sing wonderfully but can also play the guitar and drums and many more instruments.

Here he is playing the drums.

For as long as I can remember, he has made the same expressions and hand gestures while singing.

A duet with Ana Gabriel during his part of the show.

An end to a great show!!!!!

Cute couple!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Hottest Half - 10K

Last Sunday the day rolled around again to run in the race that got my running obsession started a little over a year ago.

With the record breaking temperatures we have had this summer here in North Texas, I knew to expect a very hot race. Though I thought that I would be running alone this year since Erica moved to Donna, she traveled up here for the weekend to pick up Jr., and signed up at the last minute to race as well.

I was very excited that this year, we had more of a cheer crowd bigger than any of the other 2 races I've ran in. A big thank you to Frank, Sydney, Liz, & Eva for being thereto support us.

Erica & I ready to roll for 6.2 miles.

Sydney poo & I. Watch out for her as soon she too will be running marathons.

Getting those stretches in.

Our awesome shoes that would eventually get us to the finish line.

At the start line.

Erica coming in after a great finish.

So close to the finish line!!!

Very proud of my medal!!!! Looking forward to the next run.

Job well done!!!

Thank you for coming out to support me, corazon.

Maybe we can soon get Liz & Eva to join us in the running craze.

My wonderful momentos.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus....celebrating 200 years!!!!

Frank, Sydney & I went out to the American Airlines Center last Saturday (August 6th) to watch "The Greatest Show on Earth."

Sydney had been seeing the commerials on tv and everytime she would turn to me and say, "momma, I go." The last time we went she was either 4 or 5 and honestly I don't think she remembers going, so I thought what a perfect time to take her to one of the functions I had such fun memories of going to (though it was only once) as a child.

It was truly a great feeling all over seeing what a great time Sydney had at the circus. Her happiness means the world to me!!!

The banner outside of the AAC.

Daddy & his princess.

Mommy & her little minnie-me.

Sydney wanted the program of the circus and we were able to go in to the arena floor before the show and watch the clowns and other performers as well as get autographs of several of the performers....we got one of "Mr. Stick Man."

With another one of the many performers.

Daddy & Sydney with their clown noses.

Kaylee the elephant painting one of her masterpieces.

Sydney got up and danced on the stage...was simply enjoying herself.

Let the show begin!!!!