Saturday, January 17, 2009


now what on Earth is that you might ask.

A frenum is a fold of tissue or muscle connecting the lips, cheek or tongue to the jawbone.

Quite commonly, a frenum can be attached too high on the gums which can cause spaces between the teeth. In extreme cases, this condition can interfere with or thwart normal eruption of tooth structures.

Well for those of you that had never heard about this medical term and you know me, you can now say you know someone who's had a frenectomy....the reason for my surgery was precisely because of my ancestor's having issues with their gums...I was passed down too much of this fold of tissue or small muscle that makes my teeth come apart in the front.

As many of you may also know...this is my second go around with braces and had someone told me the first time around that regardless of how long I had braces and didn't address my frenum issue, I'd be back to square one the moment they came off.

That is why my peeps I had this "minor" surgery done this past Thursday, January 15th....I'm not obsessed or anything like that with the way I look, but if you know me, you would know that I've always had issues with my smile and that gap I carried around for many years.

I'll spare you all the ugly details and although very tempting, the posting of stomach churning pictures...but take my word from someone who's had way too much done on her mouth - this "minor" procedure was hardly that....I was in quite a bit of pain that night and now have to deal with this horrible itch from the stitches and my whole nasal area and cheeks are extremely sensitive - if I touch them, I feel it on my upper lip.

Anyways, I'm still not completely done with mouth work...but hopefully when it is all said and done, I'll have the Colgate smile I've always more hands over the mouth when I smile or laugh. :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bite This OU!

Who says little request don't come true. I obviously love my UT Longhorns but since they got shafted from the National Championship game, my only other alternative was to root for the Florida Gators because there is no way on Earth I would EVER go for OU. Why you may ask? Well, because OU SUCKS!

So last night, I got to catch the game at the beginning of the 4th quarter and the score was 14-14. I could tell just by the low score that it would be yet another one of those last minute win games.

Luckily, Mr. Bradford forgot his teams color is maroon and he somehow mistook an orange uniform for his own and threw an interception. This lead the Gators to score a field goal which put them up 17-14.

The final seal of the game came with another touchdown by the Gators putting them up 24-14, which would end up being the final score.

I swear people, I couldn't be more happier. You know the Sooners and all their clan of followers think they are so good, invincible and untouchable...well I got news for you time you think about talking so much smack, think twice...instead go out and win a BCS bowl game and if by chance you make it to another BCS title game because of some stupid voting system - try and see if you can't win that!

It is 9:28 a.m. and OU STILL SUCKS!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Texas Captures Fiesta Bowl

On the same night I was at the Celine Dion concert, I unfortunately had to miss watching the Fiesta Bowl in which my dear UT Longhorns took on No. 10 Ohio State in Glendale, Arizona.

Thank goodness for internet and ESPN Sports...I was getting minute by minute updates while at the concert.

We were waiting to go down the escalator when I got the last update...40 seconds to go in the 4th quarter and we were down by 4 points...I was seriously upset, but held out hope, because if you know anything about football, you know that it ain't over till it's over and I do mean...completely over....

I love my Longhorns and all but I swear those guys are seriously trying to give someone a heart attack....won't you believe they came back to score a touchdown and seal the game with the win 24-21.....

GO LONGHORNS!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight will be the BCS National Championship and although I wish we had been there playing instead of in Arizona, I say go Gators (just for this time) and kick some OU butt!

Texas quarterback Colt McCoy celebrates as he scores against Ohio State during the third quarter of the Fiesta Bowl NCAA college football game in Glendale, Ariz., Monday, Jan. 5, 2009.

Texas wide receiver Quan Cosby is bought down by Ohio State cornerbacks Anderson Russell, right, and Chimdi Chekwa during the fourth quarter of the Fiesta Bowl NCAA college football game in Glendale, Ariz., Monday, Jan. 5, 2009.

Texas running back Chris Ogbonnaya, left, breaks away from Ohio State linebacker Jermale Hines during the third quarter of the Fiesta Bowl NCAA college football game Monday, Jan. 5, 2009, in Glendale, Ariz.

Texas team members celebrate on the field after their 24-21 win over Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl NCAA college football game in Glendale, Ariz., Monday, Jan. 5, 2009.

Colt McCoy & Mack Brown

Celine Dion - Taking Chances Tour (01-05-09)

Okay, so this past Monday night, I got to go to a concert and see such an awesome lady perform - Celine Dion. I tell you that woman's voice is powerful!!!!!

At the very last moment, it seemed as though I would not go because I had in fact stayed home from work that day due to some allergy crud that took over me. I thought to myself, don't know how, but I will get myself to feeling decent to go to this thing - and boy am I glad I did.

I seriously did not leave the house until it was time to go and found out that the weather outside was just horrible. So bad was the situation with all the rain that had been coming down all day that because it was so cold, all the trees, luckily and not the roads, had icicles on them. It was a sight to see...well for me at least, and I of course, camera stuck to my hip always, pulled it out and snapped a few pics.

Ruth and her boyfriend Mario finally arrived to get me in her "matris" = Matrix and off we were to the concert. I had just recently been to the AAC (American Airlines Center) in November to see the Eagles, but seriously, gaging from the ridiculous traffic heading towards the AAC, as much as I love the Eagles, I guess Celine Dion just drew a much bigger we sat in traffic for a good 20 minutes inches away from the venue.

Unlike the Eagles concert, Celine Dion did have an opening act, BUT it was no band. Turns out she brought along a comedian straight from Las Vegas, Gordie Brown. Oh my goodness, so I've never seen a live comedian show/act, but this guy was seriously funny as hell. I swear a little more laughing and I would have passed out...he was just superb....definitely someone to catch should you ever be in the Golden Nugget which is where he performs.

After about 30 minutes of entertainment from Mr. Brown, the lights dimmed and the crowd went crazy. Out of course comes Ms. Celine Dion herself...making her way through the crowd to the stage. Her opening act was really neat. Her song, "Drove All Night," was playing and this cube-like deal in the center of the stage was showing clips of her world-tour concert stops....really neat and at last the words, "DALLAS" pop up on the screen and that thing comes flying up and wallah...there she is....seriously, it was so cool!

After she finished performing her 1st song, she stopped to "chat" a bit and did excuse herself telling the crowd she was a "talker" and that being the youngest of 14children, she hardly ever gets the chance so when she does, she takes advantage of it. During her "chat," she pointed out 2 distinguished individuals in the crowd. I could not believe my eyes when I saw who I was seeing up on the was none other than EMMITT SMITH (22)...yes the Cowboys running back and my all time favorite football was soooooo coooool! The other gentleman was Dr. Stuckler who according to Celine Dion, "saved her husband's life."

The concert continued after this with some of her hits, "Power of Love," "All Coming Back to Me," "Because You Loved Me," and many more. Throughout the concert, she would disappear into the center of the stage and come back out with a different outfit. The whole setup of the stage was really neat....the edges of the stage moved like a line belt of some sort and the corners, which is where her band was spread out, would go up and down. The entire show was really something to least for me, mind you, I've not been to many concerts in my lifetime, so maybe there are better shows out there.

The whole concert lasted about 1 hour and 45 minutes....with the last song of the evening being her "Titanic" hit, "My Heart Will Go On!"

Definitely a show to catch. I am so glad I had been 10 years since she had been in Dallas and there is no telling when she'll be back, but rest assured that if and when she does, I will be there!

Here are some pics of the night!

Serioulsy, this is TEXAS people!

Gordie Brown as "Elton John"

Emmitt Smith (22)

Dr. Stuckler

"The Prayer" with Andrea Bocelli....he wasn't there of was just a recorded video.

The song she was performing here spoke about living in a man's world - pretty cool. Note the "hat" she is standing on.

"My Heart Will Go On" (Titanic)

Awesome concert!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Happy New Year's to Everyone!

I'm not really much of a resolution person because for one I've no clue if the next year will belong to me, so I just like to go more with a day by day thing.

Of course I have things I'd like to do, like maybe yes, loose a couple more pounds, go to a Cowboys game at the new stadium and just have a little more happiness in my life - there is never too much of that.

For the time being, I am just happy I made it to the start of another year that only God knows what it will hold.

For those of you who did make a few or a ton of resolutions, good luck to you in meeting them.

Hope every one's wishes and dreams come true!